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Discussions about the project have a dedicated GitHub forum.
Request for support, patches and such will be more suitable for the GitHub issue page.

You might, however, get live discussions on the #Aether IRC channel on Libera.Chat

Want to support us?

The best way to support the project for now is simply to use it and promote it to others. Of course, we are very interested in any feedback or ideas you might have.

Code contributions

We of course accept patches, just write a pull request and we will see how they can be integrated. Be aware, however, that the submitted code might also be integrated in the future into proprietary modules (see below).

For companies

The project is its in infancy (we hope), as such we might not have the manpower to answer your needs in a timely fashion, if at all.

With that said, as every OpenSource project needs funding, we are open to the idea of collaborating with private investors in the future. We envision two possibilities:

1. Sponsorship

This would be the prefered way. The idea is that you would help fund the project as a whole, or specific features. Those would then be distributed as OpenSource software and profit the community as a whole. You would be recognized as sponsors both on the website and inside the software.

2. Proprietary features

This is within the realm of possibilitiess, although it might take some time before this is possible. Such requests should go through the University of Technology of Troyes and its L2n laboratory.
Date of update 15 août 2023