Accueil Aether

The project

Aether is an open-source optical simulations suite, coded in C++ for Windows and Linux, born out of the research and needs at the L2n laboratory in France, which is part of the University of Technology of Troyes.

As such, its main aims are either research or educations, and is not at a stage befitting of a commercial software yet.

It is an evolving project and might be subject to numerous changes.

As of now and for the forseeable future, it is not available on MacOS due to Apple's refusal to properly support OpenGL. However, we are open to any successful report of it working through Zink and MoltenVK.
Aether is an open-source optical simulations suite, coded in C++ for Windows and Linux, born out of the research and needs at the L2n laboratory in France, which is part of the University of Technology of Troyes.

As such, its main aims are either research or educations, and is not at a stage befitting of a commercial software yet.

It is an evolving project and might be subject to numerous changes.

As of now and for the forseeable future, it is not available on MacOS due to Apple's refusal to properly support OpenGL. However, we are open to any successful report of it working through Zink and MoltenVK.


If you found this project useful for your research and you publish your work, please try to cite the software and this website.
If you want to, please send us an email with a link to your published work, it is most satisfying to see this project being useful.


If you found this project useful for your research and you publish your work, please try to cite the software and this website.
If you want to, please send us an email with a link to your published work, it is most satisfying to see this project being useful.


2022/09/11 : Project sources are now hosted on GitHub

2022/03/02 : Proper project registration
                   Join us and discuss on !

2022/01/25 : Website launch


2022/09/11 : Project sources are now hosted on GitHub

2022/03/02 : Proper project registration
                   Join us and discuss on !

2022/01/25 : Website launch